Instrukce pro nakládku a vykládku

Loading instructions
Company address:
VUAB Pharma a.s.
Vltavská 53
252 63 Roztoky
Czech Republic
Important ! If you are using navigation, please put the whole address VLTAVSKA 53 !
Opening hours of the warehouse:
7.00 – 13.00
Contact person – logistics:
Petr Bouse
tel. +420 730527257
Contact person – commercial dpt.:
Miloš Hraba
tel. +420 730527256
Please contact us min 24 hours before the collection in order to put you on
our loading schedule ! Otherwise the required date cannot be guaranteed !
If the truck height is more then 3,5 m, please use gate B.
(Ring the bell, person on duty will pick you up.)
If the truck height is under 3,5 m, you can use the main gate A.
If you are not sure, please call us!
Customs office:
Miroslav Bílek, Zastupování v celním řízení
Pražská 180, 250 66 Zdiby
Opening hours:
8.00 – 14.00